(20) Fall Hill

22 August 1608

Fredericksburg, VA


On the second expedition up the Bay, Capt. Smith’s party having anchored the shallop at the head of tide on the Rappahannock River, and set up a cross on the left bank, waded the rapids to the right bank and proceeded upstream to this point. As they returned to the shallop, they were overtaken and skirmished with the local Mannahoack Indians and captured the wounded Amoroleck.


Siting is taken from the Smith map and the position of Laucks Island.

The marker is just visible in this photo past the remains of the Embrey Dam. (Photo: Erik Nelson)

Fredericksburg Parks provided a sign indicating that a Smith marker is ahead. (Photo: Erik Nelson)

The Rappahannock taking the loveliest blue from the autumn sky near the trail cross marker, dam remains, and trail.

This site provides a fabulous view of the Rappahannock River.


Public trail, Embrey Dam/Rappahannock Canal Trail

Access is by land in lot parking at the Virginia Outdoor Center. A half mile hike along the old canal bank or by falling water. 

GPS Coordinates

38.3219, -77.4908

N38°19’19”x W77°29’27”

The marker is between the Embrey Dam/Rappahannock Canal trail and the Rappahannock River.